Actor Seeks Role

August 18, 2015

All I can think of when I watch the SP-inspired "Actor Seeks Role" is how ironic it is that we work in the health industry but have so little access to health care:

This short film is much funnier and more tragic than when I wrote: "SP encounters are not a substitute for medical care." It's so easy to forget that SPs are considered temporary workers at best, and not eligible for the kinds of benefits other employees receive. Only one school I work with allows SPs to access medical care at their institution (which is, quite honestly, a big reason why SPs work at that school).

The Affordable Care Act really made a big difference in my ability to continue to contribute as an SP without living in constant fear of debilitating medical bills. I sure would like it better if schools were willing to include us on their health plans, though, or access to their care at a reduced rate.

Extra credit:
Of course, it's also charming to see how another SP studies, performs, and grapples with how to be a serious actor while being paid to be a pretend patient. Even while obviously exaggerated, it's certainly more realistic than that Seinfeld episode.

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